Friday, 26 July 2013

Pooing my pants

Hi everyone! Tomorrow is the Open Day! Aaaah!

I've revised a little bit - I know my 'ten important facts about EK' off by heart and I have my answer prepared if I get asked "why emirates/why CC?". I am quite nervous just purely because I don't know what to expect despite reading numerous blogs and forums about the OD. I'm confident as a person and know I can do the role from speaking to EK Cabin Crew at work, but it's just convincing the Recruitment Officers that I can. Keep your fingers crossed for me my fellow EK dreamers <3

I'm busy preparing myself at the moment - just sorted my clothes out and I've got my 'achievement planner' sorted (see below). Oh and I bought a smaller suit jacket yesterday too - the one I wore in my pictures is a 10 and the one I'm wearing at the OD is an 8 so I'll not look like I'm drowning in it. I need to do my nails tonight and I'll give my skin a good scrubbing with some lovely lotions and potions tonight as well. Oh how I want this job!

Wish me luck xx