Wednesday, 2 October 2013

I miss my Mini

I feel a bit sad. I miss my dog ever so much. I know I'd not see him when I left for Dubai but this time I didn't even get to say goodbye properly. My fish are probably dead now too.

I'm handing my revised notice in to work tomorrow. A snap decision, yes. But I'm fed up of being there and getting bollocked for being a fraction of a second late. They're firing people left right and centre even though they're desperate for staff. Whatever... my car is broken too. I know a little about cars and one of my rear wheels has developed negative camber and my fuel filter is blocked almost fully. But I can't get to a garage to get the car fixed as work won't give me the time off. When I am off, it's always either on a weekend or during the evening when the garage isn't open. And now my dad doesn't help me with fuel costs  to get to work it means I pay £80 a week to get there and back. I need to get my second Hep B vaccination tomorrow too but I'm meant to be at work. I'm going for my injection either way...

I found out a girl I had my FI with got her Golden call today. A whole 9 weeks after FI! Crazy. Happy for her though - she flies out a week after me.

I went on board a 3 class Emirates 777 today whilst it was being turned around at work. I sat in a first class seat and I felt like royalty lol. It was so exciting just wandering around the plane, imagining the rows full of passengers, and me and my crew in our uniforms. Eee!

Speaking of Royalty, a member of one of the Royal Families within the UAE dropped by the airport yesterday. He flew over from the UAE to the UK with his staff to go Grouse shooting.
This was his plane. HIS OWN BLOODY 747.

Just so you lovely girls and guys are aware, I'm very grateful for your kind words and comments. My iPad doesn't let me respond to them though - stupid technology! But I have read them and appreciate them all! 

44 days to go.